What Is Unique About Kainuu? Take Part in the Image Survey of Kainuu!

The Regional Council of Kainuu has commissioned a regional image survey every four years since 1997. The most recent survey was conducted in 2021, and now it is time to update the information. Hereby we would like to invite you to share your experiences and opinions about the region.

Who Is the Survey for?

The survey is open to all present, previous and future residents of the region, Finnish and international people, leisure residents, tourists, and everyone else who wants to express their feelings about Kainuu. We look forward to your participation.

By answering the survey, you can help the region and all its actors develop their attraction. It is your answers and opinions that are important. Your participation is completely voluntary, and you can stop at any time. If you want to, you may also take part in the lottery of three (3) fifty (50) euro gift cards (S-Group), which is drawn by Taloustutkimus.

How Can You Participate in the Survey?

  1. Use your computer, tablet or smartphone to go to https://s2.taloustutkimus.fi/WebProd/Start/10724_Kainuu. You can also access the questionnaire using the QR code on the article picture.
  2. Answer the questions as soon as possible. The survey will take about 10-15 minutes on average to answer.

Survey Implementation and Data Protection

The survey is technically carried out by Taloustutkimus Oy on behalf of Regional Council of Kainuu. Additional information on Taloustutkimus is found on the website: https://www.taloustutkimus.fi/in-english.html

Answers are treated confidentially in accordance with the research rules of the International Chamber of Commerce. No respondent’s information is registered individually. The answers are compiled into statistical tables describing the overall situation. More information about Taloustutkimus’ privacy practices is available (In Finnish) at: https://www.taloustutkimus.fi/etusivu/tietosuoja.html

About the Regional Image Survey

The Regional Council of Kainuu has commissioned a regional image survey every four years since 1997. The survey approach has slightly varied over the years, but the results have always been pointing in the same direction; Kainuu is known for its nature.

According to the latest regional image survey, conducted in 2021, Kainuu is slightly better known compared to the previous study. The respondents’ perceptions of the region are positive and the general perception of Kainuu is cautiously positive.

Based on the previous results, Kainuu is most attractive as a tourist destination. The nature tourism boom and the recreational opportunities in Vuokatti are the biggest and most important factors, not to mention the cultural events of Kainuu.

Multilocationality fuels the growth of  Kainuu. The perceptions of young people, for example, the willingness to move to the region, are surprisingly high.

You can read more about the previous survey results (in Finnish) on our website at: https://kainuunliitto.fi/yhteistyo/viestinta-maakuntakuva-ja-mainetyo/maakuntakuva.