Workshop 11.9.2024 – Stories of Kainuu for the Young, Told by the Young!

An international N-LITE project invites young people to plan just the right kind of participatory activities within the project, to suit the potential participants’ wants and needs. The planning will be started in a workshop arranged on September 11th, 2024. The aim is to plan a meaningful way for the young people in Kainuu to participate in the project during the following months.

Workshop Programme

Time: 11.9.2024 at 12:00-16:00
Place: KAMK Älysali – TA21L11

12.00-12.15 Short introduction to the theme, Regional Council of Kainuu

12.15-13.15 About the gaming industry:

  • How can literature and stories be utilized in gaming industry?
  • What do the new technologies offer for literature tourism?
  • Open discussion on the topic.

13:15-13:45 Technology presentation: Motion capture suit and facial camera

13:45-15:30 Brainstorming session

Ideas about Literature Tourism:

  • What new forms could literature tourism take?
  • What kind of products and experiences would you be interested in?
  • What are the stories of Kainuu you would like to share?
  • How, by whom and where should they be told?
  • Who could be the interesting partners to create something with?

Ideas for cooperation:

  • What incentives and forms of cooperation would encourage youth to participate?
  • What themes would be interesting to discuss with other partner regions?
  • What would be a good platform to stay in touch with the youth group?

During the brainstorming session, amateur actors will be making animations with the MoCap suit and facial camera. It is possible for the participants  observe the process.


Conclusions of the workshop, a glance at the results of motion capturing and discussing the next steps.

There is a coffee service at the workshop.

Shortly about our N-LITE Project

N-LITE is a three-year project aiming to deliver innovative solutions to promote place-based literary and cultural tourism in the Northern Periphery and Arctic region. The project started on 1st July 2023 and will end on 30th June 2026.

To put it shortly, the project deals with SMEs, immersive technologies, and the youth. You may read more about the project at the official website.

There are two project partners in Kainuu with their own responsibilities. The team of experts at Kajaani university of applied sciences concentrates on creating a new game concept for the project partners, and the Regional Council of Kainuu on the cooperation with stakeholders around Kainuu. On our website you may read more about what the Regional Council of Kainuu has done so far within the project.

From a Target Group to Active Participants

What are the stories of young generations like? How are they best shared? How do the young people see the culture of Kainuu and Kainuu as a tourism destination? What would be interesting ways for the young people to participate in bringing up the stories of Kainuu?

Literature tourism is a topic that’s more broad, versatile, and especially more interesting than you’d probably realize judging by the first look. It’s not just about books—it’s about the region. It’s about the landscapes that inspire, the people that give it life, and the untold stories waiting to be shared.

And, together, we can make it even more interesting! You’re already part of this place, so why not make your voice heard? We’re exploring new ways to showcase the beauty and strength of our region, and we want your fresh ideas.

Within the N-LITE project, young people are seen both as a target group and as content producers. Youth cooperation activities are to be launched during autumn 2024. On each of the partner regions, young people are invited to workshops, to create something new and to participate some international activities. There are certain guidelines for carrying out the so-called Youth Work Package in project partner regions, but there’s a certain flexibility for planning, too.

Ideas Coming from the Young!

We think that planning the process with the youth will lead to better outcomes. Therefore, we now invite young people to participate a workshop to plan the process.

We’ll take a fresh look at literature tourism through each of the participants’ eyes. What kind of stories and experiences are you interested in? How could such content be planned and produced together? Are there some inspiring people and organizations that we should absolutely cooperate with? What are the stories of Kainuu that you would like to share? Are there some applications and channels that we should use? And, above all, how should we plan our activities so that they’d be interesting for the young people?

We’ll also learn about the Kainuu game industry and the possibilities to use gaming technology for literature tourism. Additionally, the participants will see how body movements and facial expressions are recorded for the games of N-LI-TE project.

Calling All Dreamers and Doers!

So, are you a young, imaginative soul living in Kainuu? Have you ever thought about how your unique perspective could shape the future of our region to create something new.

Do you perhaps think that you have nothing to offer? Well, think again, because we believe in your hidden potential, and we can’t wait to see what you’ll bring to the table! Together, we can define what literary tourism in Kainuu means for the next generation. Your insights and creativity are exactly what we need to make this happen.

Secure your spot by registering via Webropol Surveys


Learn More About the Topic

Previous Game Projects of Clever Simulation Entertainment at KAMK (

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