Regional Planning Specialist

The definition of transport system refers to an entity consisting of passenger and freight transport covering all modes of transport, the transport networks serving them, communications and information, the services referred to in the Transport Services Act, and the means of transport and traffic control systems.
Transport system design is a continuous and interactive planning process based on impact assessment and cooperation between authorities and other actors. The aim of this process is to promote a functioning, safe and sustainable transport system.
At the national level, the strategic planning includes the government program, the Government’s decisions in principle, the national transport plan, the Ministry of Transport and Communications’ administrative group strategy and other strategies and future review, and the guidelines provided by Finnish Transport Infrastructure Agency.
Regional transport system planning includes joint plans of several regions, regional and municipal transport system plans.
The Regional Council of Kainuu has defined the development needs of the regional transport system in co-operation with municipalities, transport authorities and other co-operation parties that have a key impact on transport in the Kainuu Transport System Plan. The plan was completed in 2018. Measures that create the preconditions for developing accessibility and vitality of Kainuu region and measures that ensure the smooth and safe everyday mobility have been included in the transport system plan.
In order to achieve the objectives set, the measures specified in the transport system plan are divided intocross-Regional and Regional measures. The progress of the measures as well as the achievement of the objectives set will be monitored by a specific work group established in 2019. TheRegional Council of Kainuu supervises the interests of the region e.g. in the preparation of the objectives and measures of the international and national transport system plans.
The Regional Council of Kainuu is a member of East Finland, North Finland and Barents cooperation areas, and within these structures, also transport issues are handled.
The regional plans drawn up by the Regional councils guide the coordination of transport and other land use solutions in Finland.
Regional and international transport projects contribute to the co-operation and the measures to improve the accessibility of Kainuu.
Last updated on: 05.12.2022