The Interreg Europe-funded ZCI project aims to accelerate the development of carbon-free transport infrastructure and thus contribute to the...
“Zero Carbon Infrastructure”
Specific programme objective: Zero-carbon urban mobility
Funder: Interreg Europe
Project budget: 2 085 629€
Implementation Period: 28.2.2023-31.5.2027
Aim of the Project
The EU has set ambitious targets to decarbonise transport, requiring radical changes to the whole ecosystem. The recent dramatic developments in the geopolitical situation in Europe highlight the need to accelerate this transition away from fossil fuels.
So the objectives are clear- how to reach them? The system is complex and the pace of change is dictated by the inertia in it. There are many actors and many uncertainties at many levels. The problem is especially intense in urban areas. Unless the changes are managed well, the targets will not be reached.
Public authorities should be the “ first movers” here. If they can help to make the energy supply-chain ready, the market will be energized and the vehicle-makers and users will make the switch.
ZCI project will focus on practical ways to create Zero Carbon Infrastructure in 8 different cities and regions. Building on the work already done, the partners will find and test practical solutions to the following challenges:
(1) Private (electric) vehicles: charging infrastructure – barriers and solutions
(2) Sustainable urban logistics
(3) The business model of sustainable urban mobility – incentives that build customer demand for decarbonised transport solutions
(4) Transition to zero carbon mobility: public acceptance and communication
They will
* Identify and share good practices to address the key problems
* Build capacity of 8 public authorities through training and knowledge-transfer
* Improve 8 relevant policy instruments to provide the necessary infrastructure and create market con dence
News of ZCI Project
Project Manager to Zero Carbon Infrastructure Project
Regional Council of Kainuu is looking for a project manager to run an Interreg Europe project ”Zero Carbon Infrastructure...
Factors of EV Public Acceptance Discussed at Kajaani Meeting
The ZCI project partners gathered for the 4th Masterclass in Kajaani, Finland, with the theme “Public Acceptance of Electric...
Project Partners
County administrative board of Kronoberg (SE)
Regional Council of Kainuu (FI)
Regional Development Agency of Gorenjska (SI)
Burgas Municipality (BG)
Navarra Government (ES)
Cork City Council (IE)
City of Mechelen (BE)
City of Parma (IT)
Erasmus Centre for Urban, Port and Transport Economics (NL)
427 812 €
228 862 €
208 987 €
166 650 €
185 330 €
257 572 €
234 200 €
191 676 €
184 540 €
ZCI Contacts