Regional Development Manager

Kaisanet Ltd. manages a fiber optic and cable TV network in regions of Kainuu, Upper Savo and North Karelia.
Kaisanet Ltd. Broadband (in Finnish)Village Network Cooperative of Northwest Kuhmo is operating in the sparsely populated countryside of Kuhmo.
Village Network Cooperative of Northwest Kuhmo (in Finnish)Siikaverkko CO-OP is building a fibre optic network to Vuolijoki, Otanmäki and the western and southern villages of Kajaani.
Siikaverkko Cooperative (in Finnish)We have built fixed fibre connections with national funding in Kainuu since 2011. The availability of fibre optic network in the end of 2019 covered 32% of the households in Kainuu. Counting all the fixed connections, the availability rate (Download ≥ 100 Mbit/s) rises to 58 %. Wireless connections complement the fixed network in and around Kainuu, so the coverage of fast broadband connections is good.
Finnish Transport and Communications Agency Traficom maintains and publishes statistics on broadband penetration in households as well as on fixed network availability and on the coverage of mobile broadband services. Municipal figures are available on Traficom website. So far, there are no published tables on the availability of optical fiber alone.
National and regional work to promote high-speed broadband connections has been done in Finland since 2010. The current “broadband project supports construction of high speed networks with the aim of securing the construction of high speed broadband networks with state support in areas where commercial supply is unlikely to materialize. The project provides state aid for the construction costs of high-speed broadband networks.
The supported networks are built using fiber optic cables to enable adequate data transfer now and also in the future. The national funding has been used to build networks and enable high-speed broadband connections for both households and businesses.
Under the current government program of Finland, the broadband support program will be continued. The support will be targeted at areas that are not receiving commercial broadband connections before 2025.
Last updated on: 09.10.2023