Kainuu’s Cultural Heritage with New Eyes – Pilot Call open until 6.5.2025 at 12.00!

How would you highlight Kainuu’s cultural sites in a new way?

The Regional Council of Kainuu is offering a total of 25,000 euros for small pilots. Approximately 6–10 small pilots can be funded. The pilots must combine cultural sites and cultural activities in a new way.

Deadline for applications: 6.5.2025 at 12.00. The call was published on 21.3.2025.

The pilots will implement the Regional Development Programme of Kainuu, and Kainuu Cultural Programme, as well as the international Cherry project.

Call for applications



Download the application template, carefully fill in all the fields, print and sign. Send the application to kirjaamo@kainuunliitto.fi. Mention project CHERRY in the email title field.

We will arrange a Pilot Call Info (in Finnish) on 7.4.2025 at 13.00 in Teams.

Follow the newsletters of the Regional Council of Kainuu!

Kainuu's Cultural Heritage with New eyes CHERRY Open Call EN

Aim of the Project

The social and economic impact of the COVID-19 pandemic in the medium and long term is difficult to foresee and measure. The cultural and creative industries have been among the first sectors to shut their doors during the crisis and the last to reopen. Large parts of the sector depend on human congregation. As a result, venue-based and site-based activities, such as theater, live music, festivals, cinemas, and museums, have been hit particularly hard.

Around the world, the livelihoods of workers in different sectors have been profoundly affected by lock-downs and physical distancing measures. The creative ecosystem, which combines a handful of multinational conglomerates with a multitude of freelance creatives and small and medium-sized enterprises, employs a significant proportion of these workers. The precarious (or the work is non-contractual) nature of the cultural and creative sector work has made artists and cultural professionals particularly vulnerable to the economic shocks that the pandemic has triggered.

CHERRY project supports the resilience of CCI to the COVID-19 emergency by:

  • improving policies and local plans addressed to CCI to react to the pandemic period,
  • turning the restrictions of that period with the use of innovative communication means, digital technologies, and services into an opportunity for further developing this sector,
  • addressing new users and,
  • in general, making Culture n.1 ally for EU recovery.

The project will work among public institutions coming from Italy, Greece, Hungary, Romania, Belgium, France, Latvia, Finland, Albania, and Bosnia and Herzegovina.



News from CHERRY Project

International Project Communications

1st CHERRY Newsletter January 2024 (PDF)


Partner Budgets

Friuli Venezia Giulia Autonomous Region (IT)

Veneto Region (IT)

Kainuu Regional Council (FI)

Centru Regional Development Agency (RO)

Zemgale Planning Region (LV)

Central Transdanubian Regional Innovation Agency (HU)

Region of Western Greece (GR)

Region Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur (FR)

Intercommunal Leiedal (BE)

308 148 €

249 154€

220 066 €

185 168 €

172 792 €

168 480 €

226 000 €

213 640 €

196 500 €

CHERRY Contacts