Kainuu needs immigration and skilled labour. As one step towards boosting international recruitment, the region is for the first...
Category: General News
A study on Ofotbanen-Malmbanan Railway Line Published by NABL Project
The Regional Council of Kainuu has contributed to development of east-west transport corridors by implementing Northern Axis -Barents Link...
Europe Day 2022 Celebrated in an International Spirit in Kajaani
Europe Day is annually celebrated on May 9th. In 2022, we will spend the day in Kajaani in an...
NABL (Northern Axis Barents Link) Project is Coming to End
The project final meeting in Narvik focused on Arctic logistics solutions and the wind power potential On April 20-21,...
Open Call for Experimental Funding to Develop Cultural Activities
The Kulttuuri-Kainuu project is opening a call for funding aimed at the cultural actors and municipalities in Kainuu. The...
Webinar “Smart Specialization and Digital Transformation as a Part of Upcoming Call for Proposals”
The EU regional and structural policy programme “Innovation and Skills in Finland” 2021−2027 has been launched. The Regional Council...
Regional Council of Kainuu Supporting Ukraine
The regional board of Kainuu has unanimously and unequivocally condemned the Russian Federation’s war against Ukraine and decided to...
28 Participants from 15 Countries Attended More Than 100 Meetings at the International Sales Workshop of Arctic Lakeland
The first virtual sales event arranged by the Arctic Lakeland Kainuu tourism area on 23rd February attracted almost 30...
New Perspectives and Information from the NABL Project Webinar
A transport webinar arranged by the NABL on February 15th 2022 project presented some fresh railroad studies and looked...
NABL Webinar on Railroads and Infrastructure Development in the Barents Region, 15.2.2022
NABL Webinar on Railroads and Infrastructure Development in the Barents Region, 15.2.2022 The Northern Axis – Barents Link project...
New Financial Instrument to Strengthen the Barents Co-operation Launched
In October 2021, the Foreign Ministers of the Barents Euro-Arctic Council (BEAC) member states adopted a new funding instrument...
Spot-lit Partners Bridging Call Application Success
The Spot-lit partners application submitted for the recent Bridging Call targeting Interreg NPA 2021-2027 themes has been approved by...