Project Manager to Zero Carbon Infrastructure Project

Regional Council of Kainuu is looking for a project manager to run an Interreg Europe project
”Zero Carbon Infrastructure (ZCI). Through the implementation of project activities, each of the European project partners aim to develop zero carbon mobility in their regions. The project themes include, for example, deployment of charging networks for e-mobility, strategies for changing consumer behaviour, as well as developing business models and strengthening cooperation models. You may read more abo the project at the official website:

Candidates must have a higher education (master’s) degree suitable for the position and experience in project management. The working language of the international project consortium and the reporting language of the project is English. The selected person must have good communication skills, fluent spoken and written English skills and at least moderate Finnish language skills. Work experience related to the project theme and knowledge of Kainuu stakeholders are considered as an advantage.

The employment contract will be starting on 11th November 2024 or according to agreement.  Due to the duration and amount of the project financing available, the contract will be temporary, but at least 12 months. We are mainly looking for a full-time employee, but it is also possible to agree on a part-time contract. The job requires some travelling. Trial period 4 months. The work may also include other tasks agreed with the supervisor.

We offer you:

  • an opportunity to develop the Kainuu region from a great viewpoint,
  • the support of a welcoming work community,
  • modern working tools and workspaces at the office of Regional Council of Kainuu.
  • The terms of the employment contract and the position-specific salary are determined according to the municipal labor and service collective agreement (KVTES).


Applications should primarily be submitted via the Kuntarekry online service or sent to the registry office of Regional Council of Kainuu by email to address Applications should be submitted by 12:00 noon on October 30, 2024, at the latest.

More information will be provided by Regional Development Director Jouni Ponnikas,, 040 5740804.

Regional Council of Kainuu is an enthusiastic expert organization of just over 20 employees, promoting the vitality and sustainable development of Kainuu region and the well-being of the region’s residents. Technically, the organisation is a statutory, politically governed joint municipal authority, where all municipalities of Kainuu are members in. Therefore, we actively cooperate with our municipalities and other stakeholders on a daily basis. The main tasks of Regional Council of Kainuu are regional development, regional land use planning and administrative services. We have a key role in overseeing the interests of the municipalities and other Kainuu organisations and are a key international actor in the region. We also are largely responsible for the EU’s Structural Fund programmes and their implementation in the region and finance a wide range of projects that strengthen Kainuu’s vitality.